_ Day 3
Feeling pretty good now, I have some of the big serious bits for around $100 NZD so this is starting to look feasible, no going back now. Now for some actual work, I want to strip the washing machines down, remove the motor & see if there is anything else in there that might come in handy as well as the motor bearings & shaft. So here goes…………stripping the washing machines. Remove the top including the control panel bit, my ones were actually hanging off but they look like you need to remove 2 screws & then they just unclip. I carefully disconnected the wires & tubes & removed this cover. On one of the washing machines there were 2 wires going to under the lid that needed unscrewing, I think this is a reed switch for the lid sensor. A reed switch is a magnetic switch so once the metal lid closes the switch is activated by the close proximity of the metal, I removed this carefully as it may come in handy for another project I'm working on. I also removed one screw from the back of the washing machine next to the big hole where the wires & pipes come out, this helps the bowl to be removed. The bowl is suspended by a plastic hanger bracket in each top corner, remove 2 screws, actually these 2 screws may have held the top on but mine was already off so I’m not sure. Lever the hangers off the corners & they should drop down inside. Now pull the bowl out from the top, I laid it on its side to do this, it came out surprisingly easy seeing as my washing machines were triangular in shape due to being picked up by a machine with a claw at the scrap yard. Ok, so I got this big plastic barrel out, leaving just the metal shell left, I may use one of the sides of the metal shell as a tail fin. I carefully removed all wiring & tubes & pump from the plastic barrel, be careful when removing the crimps from the motor, it would be easier to just cut the wires off but I might want them later so I removed them by gently prising them off with a screw driver. In the top of the bowl is a long plastic agitator thing, remove the cap & put your arm down the middle & undo the big plastic wing nut thingy. The agitator will come out now leaving 3 more screws to undo. Very pleased with myself so far although something tells me this is just the easy bit, running out of time now so I’m going to start again tomorrow. |
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